Social Media Promotion

Our extensive Digital PR activities help clients reach a broader set of audiences that are usually left untapped by traditional media. To make the most of its impact, Procamb being a strategic PR agency relies on digital strategies to improve the brand’s awareness, evolve their business, and gain online traction.

If you want to achieve more with your social media, we can give you the support you need. We plan, produce and co-ordinate social media campaigns and activities for people and brands that want a clear and targeted return on the time and money they invest in social media management services.


A social media campaign reinforces or assists your social media marketing plan. It’s a series of coordinated actions that are intended to fulfil the goals set forth in your overall strategy.

Reaching Masses

Reach can provide a more accurate number of how many people are actually seeing your content than followers.


A brand is how you make your customers feel, and it’s built by taking a consistent approach across every interaction they have with your brand.

Conversion of Sales

Social media leads are hard to convert into sales. We can help you the most effective ways to turn your social media leads into paying customers.


Infographics give you something visual and interesting to share with your followers. Not only will this engage them, it also makes them more likely to share your posts with their networks. 

Multiplying of Sales

Advertising on social media has leveled the playing field for businesses worldwide. We can help you to multiplying of your sales month on month.